Criminal Law is the sphere of Public Law that aims to protect the most important assets for society at a given time in history, called protected legal assets. For perfect and adequate protection, a set of prior rules is necessary that determine which assets will be protected, what sanction will be imposed in case of transgression and the way in which these violations will be processed.

 Criminal Law has as its scope to oversee the perfect application of the rules, guaranteeing citizens the preservation of their rights and guarantees, established by the Federal Constitution and legal principles, thus preventing the jus puniendi, granted to the State, from being practiced in an excessive manner . Any individual or legal entity that violates the rules must be prosecuted and judged for the act performed, in perfect compliance with the pre-established rules in a Democratic State of Law. It is also up to the Criminal Law to oversee the execution of the sentence.jus puniendi”, concedido ao Estado, seja praticado de maneira desmedida. Toda pessoa física ou jurídica que transgredir as normas deverá ser processado e julgado pelo ato praticado, em perfeito atendimento às normas pré-estabelecidas em um Estado Democrático de Direito. Cabe ainda ao Direito Criminal fiscalizar a execução da pena.

 Also inherent to the exercise of Criminal Law is to discuss, through criminology, ways to prevent the individual from transgressing, whether through inclusive public policies, legislative readjustment and social control. Prevention is the best medicine in fighting crime.
